Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Well, we're at the end of week 4 of homeschooling and has it been an adventure! We are settling into a routine most days, but Mommy has made some interesting discoveries. Like the importance of recess! Whew!  

While we make all these adjustments and discoveries, we're doing a lot of learning, too!  Fun stuff - like "Jewelry Art with Aunt Sophia" and a cool, colorful science project - has made our school the place to be in the midst of it all! Check it out...

 Collage #1: The Nature Museum 02.06.2013

 Collage #2: "Jewelry Art w/ Aunt Sophia"

The Invisible Push & Pull Science Project
Milk, Food Coloring, Dish Detergent, Q-Tip
Did you know that chemicals that you can't see can actually push and pull things?

Even though there wasn't enough snow for a snowman, we found enough to make a snowdog!  Don't laugh at our nose!!  (OK, maybe just a little!)  :-D